This blog contains 0 carbs!!

my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm feeling green like teenage lunchers between the sheets

jerk chicken
from: afro candian
price: $11ish
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: the postal service
comments: oh man. I'm real far behind in posts. for good reason. major releases at work, debilitating cold, then vacation. anyway, lemme post a bunch now and try to get caught up. click to see a smart car I saw on the way to lunch.

and ed had:

a taste of africa
comments: yeah, I got to have lunch with ed. bill was on vacation. swapping one veg for another. to win that smart car you had to guess how much money was in it. click ed's lunch to see the funny money.



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