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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I lunch it so much I'm doing things I wouldn't normally do

meat plate
from: Afro Canadian
price: about $10 each
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: martina topley bird
comments: four of us shared this meat plate. lamb, beef and chicken. all very good. in other news, we had no internet in the office for a short while today while we got bigger tubes installed. this meant a bunch of us got up to no good. click to see the arts and crafts eric did.

and paul had:

malaysian food from mamak cafe
comments: I love how this place has two restaurants in one. so great. and great food in both makes it hard to decide what to eat. meanwhile, back at the office, still without internet, the nerf guns came out. someone had the great idea of trying to stick 2 darts onto someone's glasses with the double barrelled shotgun. click to see the first attempt.

and bill had:

a taste of africa
comments: they were unsuccessful sticking the darts to anyone's glasses. but it was not from a lack of trying. cilck bill's lunch now to see him get the glasses knocked about a bit.



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