for lunch or money money money
3 vietnamese subs
from: truong giang (on hastings @ dunlevy)
price: $3 each
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: U2
comments: I tried the closest vietnamese subs place to the office. it's really good. I'll go there again. click my lunch to see the little world that exists on the counter of this shop.
and gavin had:
2 subs
comments: gavin brought his trailer today. I didn't know why until the end of the day. turns out he was moving a foosball table for us. so I helped. it was a friend of the boss's who was donating a table for us to use. and it turned out to be a tornado table! a twister 2 hooray! click to see our foos room now. looks way more foosawesome, huh?
and richerd had:
a veggie sub
comments: this place also makes veggie subs. a rare sight in the viet-sub world, I thought. click to see the foosmen ready to play.
Labels: vietnamese subs
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