now I'm the dirt

bison burger and mashed potatoes
from: Bronco Belle
price: $5.00
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: the linked videos
comments: Bronco Belle had a "may days" special. 20% off everything today and yesterday. yum. so my meal was cheap. and it was satisfying. click the pic to see a funny video on the internoot.
and cliff had:

bronco belle food, as well
comments: I remembered to bring my camera today, but uh, no memory card. oh well. cliff let me use his camera phone for these pics. you can click his food to see another funny internet video. if you like either of these, search around a bit, there's more made by the same people and they'r edarn funny, too. if you don't think they're funny, show me something that is.
Labels: burger
The period at the end ot this sentence is about 4 times funnier than both of those videos combined
uh, no it's isn't.
maybe you need to go to:
and download yourself one.
hoo ha!
Only 2.3 million:
that is funny dave. 23 mill. yeesh.
celebrity needs cash, badly.
I mean 2.3 mill. oops. still...
sadly, someone will get it and it won't be me.
i liked the peanuts one a lot! i didn't watch the other one yet. peanuts one was very funny. i laughed - which is hard for me this morning.
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