right now I need a telecaster through a Vibrolux turned up to ten

3 items; meatballs, ginger beef and tomato and egg
from: Yi Kou Xiang
price: $5
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to John Hiatt
comments: not bad. not great. just food. I ate it like this, "Pieeerrrrrr-rot". now click the pic to see the worst parking job I ever seen in our lot. not only could this foolio not fit his M3 into a small car spot (and it clearly IS a small car - plus I could fit my charger in that spot), but he had to choose a handicapped spot to encrouch upon. idiot. I hope a handicapped person slashed those low profile tires of his.
and jeff had

3 items; eggplant, spicy tofu and soy sauce chicken
from: Yi Kou Xiang
price: $5
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: jeff seemed to like his lunch more than I did. he really liked the soy sauce chicken. I hope he liked the azuma kazuma floating over his food. now click y picky to see a surrey car thief in action.
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