what song is it you wanna hear?!

A9 (general tzo's chicken, black bean beef, prawn stick and spring rolls)
from: Hong Kong Chinese
price: $5.83
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
listening to: skynryrd
comments: crazy good lunch. the new A# combos are great. really good variety, really good value. I don't go to HK Chinese as much as I used to. but it's still very good. especially when the main chef is working. which is usually the case during peak hours. now click the pic to see the new "software developer" at the office today.
and justin had:

3 items; Sesame spinach, mixed veggies, and Kung Pao Chicken.
from: Yi Kou Xiang
price: $5
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: justin says, "Greg has too much time on his hands" now click the pic to see the fancy japanese beverage that jsaon had today. to open it, you pop a marble into it. NANYATEEEEE?!?!?
what's the new guys' name? Greglex?
perhaps aleg?
Whatever his name is, he needs to play more ultimate or something. Lookit that gut!
his name's Greg Varju. and he couldn't be more fit.
how come no one talks about the guy standing in a bucket of ice drinking a beer? is he not remarkable, as well?
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