And then the time will come when you motor away

from: The Wall (the great wall mongoloian bbq on braodway near macdonald)
price: $6
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Guided by Voices
comments: the wall. ah yes, the wall. for the first time ever, I had the smaller bowl, since I wasn't that hungry. after cooking, my food looked about he same size as eric's larger bowl. yay. the reason we went to the wall is because jesse is moving to victoria and ed lee is leaving here for another job. bye guys!!
now... click the pic to see how jason did not follow the rules outlined in this here video clip. oh jason.
and jesse had:

wall food.
click to wave goodbye.
and ed had:

wall food.
click to wave goodbye.
and if you're still hungry for an amusing photo... I saw this in the parking lot across from the office.
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