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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

bubble tea and skitchin, finally together in one post!

vietnamese subs and bubble tea
from: empress bakery and dragon ball tea house
price: under $10
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: erin was running errands, and thus bought yummy food and drinks for many people. yay. it was delicious. now click the pic to see the food arriving.

and Vlad had:

foot-long Meatball on Honey Oat with everything in it (except jalapenos)
from: Subway
price: about $6
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
comments:Vlad said, "This is The Best sandwich ever :) I’d give it a rating of 5 but it had one nasty thing – it softened due to a lot of sauce and was falling apart (so hard to eat :). and it was Toasted as well ;) very yummy" now click the pic to see me skitchin'!! I know, bad aim with the camera, but we was moving pretty quick. there was also another guy who rode the scooter, but of course, he eventually returned it to its owner.


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