Boring lunch, awesome video.
Nong Shim instant noodles
from: Student Lucky Mart
price: $0.99
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to while eating: Boozehounds and Dopefiends by the Rheostatics
comment: best value in world. not quite filling enough, though. that's ok, Craig gave me a slice of pizza from today's standup meeting. why didn't I get pizza myself? meetings hurt my brain. but back to the lunch... just look at that cute little Tanuki!! mmmm... delicious stewed Tanuki!
click on the cool cars to see the unrelated video of the day. it's a good video. sorry about the audio, though. my bad.
Finally, I don't have to see that scary picture. A tanuki is much cuter, especially for lunch time.
I could not see 'the other' fairy's close-up. So, was the other guy supposed to have created snow for him?
And finally, the ninja himself appears! Yey.
the finally relieved anonymous :0)
I was gonna give you hell for not having a bonus lunch, but then russ started spinning on my screen and I was mesmerized. more bonus videos!
more anonymous!!!
so, it was a daddy dancing!
I ate the tanuki.
I ate the tanuki.
ween, the link is broken...
crying anonymous :0)
that video makes baby jesus cry!
I bet gas also makes baby Jesus cry. and maybe hunger? or poop?
may be that tanuki did some magic. your blog comments disappeared and appeared again. or, is it because of Dr. W's wizard?
yet another anonymous
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