wawa to the soo

okanagan apples
from: the ok
price: dunno, erin bought them
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: eaten on the side of Lake Superior. good stuff. and the linked pic is Wawa. we had chinese food for dinner there. no picture, though.
and this was our motel:

woke up today in Sault Ste Marie (or "The Soo" as they call it). this motel is the best ever. not just because of the tingle king, but because it rules. free internet. nice clean room with a/c, microwave, good tv, alarm clock, etc. all for $55 with my CAA membership. and Ben, if you're reading this, I have a feeling we'll be a little later than planned. hehe. too hard to leave here. leaving around 11am.
is this one of your 'my blog, i do what i want' moments: posting the same post twice?
fight the power gwilli!
my blog no rules? heehee. not intentionally i think. come to think of it, i think i remember greg saying he did should fix something but we were running late as it was.
today consisted of a faaaaaantastically filling lunch in the edinburgh district of ottawa with ben and alli as well as some pretty tasty schwarmas for dinner. though i don't think there will be dinner photos as none were taken. but maybe greg will use one of my photos as the guest bonus photo!
yes. my blog no rules.
not to mention that since I'm on vacation, I QA nuthin! not even my own blog.
now stop giving away the next blog entry, erin!! I might not be able to blog again until halifax. leaving ottawa bright and early tomorrow. must sleep now.
and it was the _New_ Edinburgh district.
what is schwarmas? I though gwilli will eliminate this days entry...seems not. so I am commenting yet again! wee~~~~n
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