lunches on the road almost always seem to get 5's!

classic italian panini and guava juice
from: Pete's Frootique in Halifax
price: $10.03
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: this place is good!!! I almost regret my decision about having the panini. but it was really good and it filled me up. supposedly this pete guy is on tv for food stuff. on cbc or food network , maybe? but his store is too cool. it's a grocery store with all sorts of strange fruits and other foods, and in the prepared foods area, there is a juice bar and a deli kinda place. if you order salad, you get to pick each ingredient you want in it, then they stuff it into a little box. so much food. and the soups are great. erin had one that was pork and bean, and ritchie had seafood chowder. next time I go, I'm getting soup and salad. but the sandwich is good too.
and hey ritchie had:

seafood chowder soup and salad
from: Pete's Frootique in Halifax
price: $6.99+tax
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: r. says that the salad was huge and delicious, as per usual. and the chowder was runnier than most, but so good. it had pieces of bacon in it. and any chowder with bacon in it is alright with r. if any of you ever come to Halifax, you should have this for lunch. if you're not sure where it is, just yell "hey ritchie!!" and he'll show you.
Wow, finally, thelunchatHalifax! Yey, you made it. Here at home, it seems a wedding rush is going on.
Viv asked me if I was finishing today. Unfortunately, you guys still have to put up with me four more months! What a torture, eh?
so sad...still have to hang around the crazy anonymous more...aii.....
and I forgot to mention in the review that the best _ever part of pete's frootique is that it's open on sunday, unlike almost every other non-prepared-food selling establishment in nova scotia.
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Keep the shiny side UP!. Ray in San Diego**KEYWOR
pete's is awesome. he has funny advertisements on television showing customers how to tell the quality of the fruit without abusing it. he's a very exuberant guy! maybe i'll take a turn around pete's when i go home for christmas.
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