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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

would you believe in a lunch at first sight?

extra cha-shu shoyu ramen
from: menya
price: $8ish
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the beatles
comments: eric had to move his car, cuz the parking in our work area SUCKS. so we decided to move it all the way to menya for some ramen. yum. click to see a crazy wiggly of a garbage truck. look at it closely, there's some odd movement going on there.

and bill had:

ramen salad
comments: click bill's lunch to see him wearing an award that hootsuite won from mashable. yay us!

and eric had:

to text whilst eating
comments: thanks for the vehicular operations for us, eric! now click his lunch to see a creepy doll/puppet guy.

and gavin had:

cha-shu don
comments: click gavin's lunch to see some sciencey glass tubes from a window display. those fluorescent lights do weird things to photos.



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