day in day out day in day out day in day out

steak sandwich
from: the butler did it
price: $7?
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: joy division
comments: click to see my niece and nephew playing catch with a crazy water monster. my timing was a tiny bit off. but it still works. note the cousin on the roof in the background. hehe.
and pshen had:

the same
comments: rock star phil met us for lunch today. nice. click his lunch to see nikita. he doesn't get to work with nikita anymore. ha.
and travis had:

a steak with liberal amounts of bacon salt
in the linked pic... hehehe... see a guy who just goes. where and when he wants. even if it's all over the place. he just goes.
and the whole company had:

ice cream!
comments: we got our sred claim in today. and thus, we were all treated to sorbetto/gelati at Mario's down the street. yum. click to see how happy the other phil was about it all.
Labels: steak
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