the mountains come out of the sky and they stand there

seared ahi tuna salad
from: Seb's Market Cafe
price: $10ish
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: yes
comments: today I met ron for lunch. we went to sushiyama, but it was too busy. we then went to Seb's and we ate food on the patio. nice. click my lunch to see Nikita trying to hypnotize me with her eyebrows.
and ron had:

elk medallion benny
comments: so, for the past month, ron has had this art exhibit shown at the western front gallery. go look at it. yes, it's a door. what's interesting about that, you ask? part of having ron's door on display in a gallery means that he's spent the last month living in his east side apartment with no door. don't believe me? click his lunch and see for yourself. it's been alright so far. I think his attack plants protect him pretty good.
Labels: ahi tuna
did you get my message last night? i was drunk again can you believe that. you should become art far you are the first art critic to use gif animation.
greg forgot to mention that he bought me lunch...again can you believe that. now do you want to buy my door?
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is the door/art for sale? i'll give him $10 bucks for it. Though i don't want it. I just want Ron to not have a door forever. What would Jim Morrison say?
go buy it!!! it's at 8th and... uh.. just east of kingsway in the big green wooden building. I think there's only 2 days left of the show. June 7 – July 11, 2008 . go go go . buy it!!! you should install it as the gate to your yard, just to taunt him when he walks by. which he does. cuz he lives pretty nearby. I can't say where though. not while he has no door.
how much for the door, ron?!
being ron trankovich. brian you can still buy my door but i don't want your money. as long as i live without my door you have to pay my rent, deal or no deal?
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