bonus vacationing post!

some kinda delicious sausagey pastry
from: erin's cookbook; the chaple's fanny bay kitchen
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: as stated in the previous post, we went up to Fanny Bay on the new VI to celebrate gregchan's birthday. good times. great oldies. and so much food. click this food to see the great house we stayed at. so nice.
and we also had:

some amazing cake
comments: erin went crazy and made a crazy cake. how crazy. crazy delicious! click to see a waterfall we saw while touring Strathcona Park. possibly one of the greatest parks in this province. with a really beautiful road to drive. this was one of my favourite roads I ever drove in my Buick... back in... 1991 or so?
and bunny rolled in:

a dead frog
comments: no, not the beer. she found this stinky bit of death when we were at the Ralph River area of Strathcona Park. silly bunny. but then she swam, and cleaned it off, I think. click to see her shaking off the clean.
Labels: deliciousness
both the sausage and feta hand pies and birthday cake were from martha stewart's baking handbook. but the birthday cake recipe is also here:
next time, i will make the cake smaller and/or less meringue. 18 egg whites were just too much for one cake!
the cake was not crazy. nor am i crazy. MARTHA STEWART IS CRAZY. there is a reason why there are no time estimates in any of the recipes in this book... like the 4 hour cream puffs! i've never made such elaborate cream puffs before. but they sure did taste gooooooood.
wow. you go, erinator.
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