here are the keys to the show, why don't you drive for a while?

soup n sandwich
from: Sweet Basil Cafe
price: $6.50
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Danger Doom
comments: hey, it's friday. seriously, friday. I'm not posting this friday post on a tuesday. no no. not at all. click my broccoli soup to see a life-like sketch I did of Neil. of course, he was standing behind a pole, but 9/10 navarikites agree... it's so neil. I'll try to get a photo of him in this pose to prove the life-likeness.
and travis had:

the same as me
comments: so, this weekend, I will be going to the new VI to celebrate gregchan's birthday (happy birthday, gregchan!). aw yeah. click travis's lunch to see what the ferry trip there might look like. I'm just guessing of course. how could I know what a saturday ferry trip will look like when it's only friday, right?
Labels: sandwich and soup
for those that want to see the real neil, here:
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