fabulous film fest fun

spinach, feta and egg crepe
from: crepe cafe (on granville)
price: $8
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: more film fest films today. we saw a really cool korean monster movie called "the host". well worth checking out. we also so another good one called No Mercy for the Rude. It was really good, too. and my favourite thing about the film fest is how people who made the movie are often at the screenings and talking about it. it's kinda like DVD extras. and this movie was no exception, click to see the writer/director and his translator talking about the film.
and norm had:

some kinda omlette
from: cafe crepe
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: we ran into norm at the first movie we saw. then he joined us for lunch and we joined him for another movie. fun. click to see norm (and the director from the movie behind him)
and erin had:

ham n cheese crepe
comments: the linked pic here is of a guy getting arrested. fun.
Serves him right for trying to get away in a kayak...
was he arrested for dui?
drunk naked kayak driving
Mr. Chikan visits Vancouver?
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