30 years of kam-wah.

butter chicken and yoghurt curries
from: Curry Point
price: $5.95
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: my last curry from the village. kinda sad. but on the bright side, it means I don't have to work here anymore. yay. now click to pic to see who ogt a surprise 30th b-day party last weekend.
and greg had:

some food. I didn't get a review, though. just click the pic to see the intoxication setting in.
Wait - so G, where are you gonna be working now?
Has the whole office gone kaput, or what??
nah, there's still a few people staying. a skeleton crew, if you will.
and I'm going to work with craig in a couple weeks at atimi
I start with navarik on the 10th.
Hope you enjoy the new digs.
you're moving back to the 'couve?? cool!
now i can't even beat you up!
nope. I don't wor with you anymore!
Ya man, we'll have to do lunches and stuff.
But I'm gonna be so tired at first. Been working like a carpen-plumb-trician around the condo, getting it ready for sale.
Greg! You'll be working less than two blocks from me now!
Let me go to lunch with you! Please?!?!?!
of course! downtown lunches a plenty! starting mid-october. erwin, dave, and whomever else works there.
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