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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

making lunch with somebody, exactly like you

from: phole
price: like $13 with my lychee blended drink
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: chris isaak
comments: special treat for lunch today! hey ritchie! was in town!! he was just stopping through on his return to america from greenland. yeah. greenland! in the middle of winter! well, yeah, spring has started here, but I hear that it's as cold as it can get over this this time of year. click to see him showing us photos.

and hey ritchie had:

comments: so yeah, he had lots of photos. and they are amazing. you wanna see em? no. they're not ready yet. but you can click his half eaten lunch here to see one photo. of the moon. and the northern lights. nice.

and bill had:

the veggie dish
comments: it looks like ritchie has started posting these photos on flickr. huzzah! you wanna see em? of course you do. click bill's lunch.



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