hello america.
sourdough jack
from: jack in the box (centralia, washington)
price: forget
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: so, today I went to america. hassles at the border, as usual. but this time with more information. turns out there is some criminal named greg williams who's been dragging my name into the ground. but the super angry, then super friendly border guard said he straightened it out, so it shouldn't be a hassle anymore. yay. click for a wiggly from the streets of portland!
and greg had:
some breakfast burger thingy
comments: the reason for my trip to oregon is to see adam and zuzia get married. and we used priceline.com to find a super fancy hotel for merely $55/night. bargain! click greg's lunch to see the view I had from my room. you can also check out my room, or one of the odd items they offer guests, or the classy phone by the elevators.
Labels: sourdough jack
Did you take advantage of the companion fish?
no way, man. I'm not into aquaprostitution.
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