this one goes out to the one I lunch

vietnamese subs
from: Bale
price: $2.75 each
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: REM
comments: this post, I have totally laid off the wigglies. click this pic to see my favourite photo that I took today. you like? I think it would make a nice desktop background.
and rojelio had;

schnitzel with rice
comments: click rojelio's lunch to see one of the helipopters that's been training around town for the olympics.
and viearn had:

some bean dish
comments: click viearn's lunch to see a very blurry pic of the 3 dogs that were in the office this morn. 3 dogs!!! I was stoked! until noel went home sick with 2 of them. :(
and sumant had:

his regular salad
comments: ok, I couldn't go a whole post without some wigglies. click to see a broken ol' building a-wigglin' on main street, viewed from the backside.
Labels: vietnamese subs
The first pic was nice, almost. I wanted a bit more of birds! Can't scroll down any further(QA's complaint).
OH, no! there was a wigglie. It almost reminded me of my granpa's friend who had some difficulties in keeping his move... WEEN
really liked the broccoli/ green food wiggly. the birds were a little late but yeah! great desktop pic. I took some specific desktop pics in argentina, one's on my desktop now. woo hoo!!
ween, the lack of birds is what makes me like that photo. it's a bird teaser. you want birds???? here's a taste!
and yeah, killerX57, I like that broccoli, too... mostly because you can see a porta-potty below it. how often do you get to see broccoli AND a port-a-potty?!?
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