like a town needs a name, I need your lunch

soup n sandwich
from: Emelle's
price: $10.50 with pop
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: U2
comments: click me lunch to see the people who were fishing in the dog-park across from emelle's. I wonder if they caught anything?
and bill had:

pomme dauphinois (deep fried mashed potato) and some other dish
comments: bill had some food. then he saw dana having these deep fried mashed potatoes, and he had to get a side of them. they did really look quite remarkable. click to see bill flying with joy after eating them.
and travis had:

an asparagus sandwich?!?
comments: travis was proud of the pickle on his plate. cuz it looked like a flower, I guess? and his sandwich had asparagus?!? well, I never! click to see puffy clouds being puffy.
Labels: sandwich and soup
ACK!! pulsating food is coming to get me! (is that guy really named Bill? If so, does he ever think of going by "Billy"? I certainly would.)
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