something is bubblihihihing behind my back
pastrami on rye and spinach salad
from: Solly's
price: $12.66
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: weezer
comments: as you may have noticed, I've been on vacation. toured the west cost of the VI, and also went to saltspring. fun. vacating is good. but now I'm back working. :( click my lunch to see me hugging the tallest douglas fir in the world. or maybe it's the tallest tree in BC. I forget now. it's a zillion feet high.
and michal had:
samwich from swiss bakery
comments: click michal's lunch to see what's become of one of my TX1's. lesson learned. no digital cameras in pockets whilst playing beach volleyball. expensive lesson
Labels: sandwich and salad
Kablooie! TX1 DOWN!
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