look at me still talking when there's science to do

burgers n shake
from: McDonalds
price: about $7
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the song from Portal
comments: mcdonalds. yeah. but it was great!! why? click to find out what they done bring back.

some foods.
comments: click dave's lunch to see the collection of 'sweet hearts' that neil has at his desk. can you spot the one that I modified for him? heh.
Labels: burger fries and shake
That was my lunch!
yah! of course it was! I was just.. uh... testing you. you passed. dave failed. this time.
shamrock shake!! do the shamrock shake!! shake it!! SHAKE IT!! SHAM ROCK IT!! SHAKE!!
you will be held responsible when Neil goes on a murderous rampage.
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