Two pairs of pants and a mohair vest. I’m full of bourbon, I can’t stand up

sushi special
from: Sushi Boy
price: $5.75
rating: &&.5/&&&&&
listening to: Tom Waits
comments: a rather interesting day today. it started with me seeing rain and thinking that my feet would be soaked walking to work cuz me shoes are kinda past their expiry date. So at work I thought I should go find some new shoes at lunch. Erin said she'd help me with this, cuz I'm a special needs shopper and need a worker with me to explain why or why not to buy things. But that's just the beginning of the story. in the linked pic is erin after the shopping extravaganza.
and here's a:

random pic of magnum in my old window.
comments: so I spent too long shopping and there's no guess lunch. but anyway... on with the story, I went to the washroom before leaving for lunch, and before leaving there, the fly on my shorts was kinda stuck, so I tried to get it unstuck. which resulted in it breaking. so now I had to walk around, and go buy shoes with my fly wide open. arg. easily solved, though, I just wore my jacket zipped up a bit, and went and bought new shorts whilst buying my new shoes. oh, and I found I could get a 2nd pair of shoes for very cheaply. and I did. and if you click the pic, you will see the new headphones I got from London Drugs. they were needed for my desk. overall, a $150 lunch.
Labels: sushi
super detailed account of an expedition. i liked it a lot. esp. the car doodle below the headfons
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