another perfect lunch. yum.

3 items - from left to right.. spicy tofu, peppered beef peppers n onions, pork in sauce from heaven
from: Yi Kou Xiang Foods
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
listening to while eating: Frank Black "I wanna live in los angeles.
comments: what to say. this meal was perfect. it was exactly what I felt like. and to think that I was about to get a stirfry, but the girl said that the cook wasn't able to do it for a while. so I said I'd get it another day. and now I got this. fate has a funny way of telling me what to eat. but what's really cool was the laser that I saw from broadway and cambie last night. upon investigating the source, we ended up at science world where an Environment Canada truck sat with a laser shooting off the roof. Cool stuff. Here's a pic I took. If you look closely, you can see the pixie dust in the laser beam. We're living in the future, people!!!!

empty container that once held penne with mixed veggie in tomato sauce
from: viv's house
price: who knows? home cookin is like that.
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: wiwian says:
hmm....I turned on tv while making it....ingredient....left over tomato sauce from sunday dinner I made for my mom...veggie from the extra food downstair...(I was starving last night...whatever closest I can pick up food )
wiwian says:
penne...because I won't make a mess of mysefl while eating...not sauce everywhere like eating spagetti
your charger pic looks too nice to be true... the Elusive says... did you photoshop it? if it was true you had a really romantic evening... haven't had a change to read wiwian's blog but looks interesting...
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