I don't know why they suntan nails!
3 items
from: the amazing wok
price: $6ish
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to; pearl jam doing Yellow Ledbetter <--click that to lol, yo.
comments: lunch in the sun again. and again I'm disappointed by the amazing wok. I should downgrade their sign the the Average Wok. cuz it's never much above average. click the pic to see a close up of a cruise ship. and tell me, do those look just like those little lego rockets? yes, they do. so don't tell me.
and nicky had:
comments: click this one to see the puppy that was having her lunch break near us. puppy!
Labels: chinesefood
also, gwaldo off to the right talking to 2 guys and staring at the puppy.
oops. i should've clicked on both images before commenting. gwaldo on the deck of the island princess (under the sign). what's with those gigantor rockets!!!
They are there mostly so you look at them and say 'Cool! I wanna book a cruise on THAT one!'
When in doubt, blame it on marketing. Same applies to this blog. blatant marketing ripoffs everywhere.
me? marketing?! say what?!
erin: 60 points for finding both waldos.
Damn. Those look like Lego rockets.
Do I lose points? :D
you do not gain, nor lose points.
in fact, for an undisclosed amount of time, "points" will now be known as "jasons"
You ate lunch right next to my building and didn't invite me?
-5 jasons for whining, erwin.
I eat there almost everyday. I don't see you contacting me about lunch, do i?
make me fries...
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