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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

A lock of hair you said would prove our lunch would never die

sushi special and miso
from: I think it was called "sushiyama". it's downtown
price: about $8
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: bright eyes
comments: today I met Viearn for lunch. we sat in front of her downtown office and watched a jazz band play. it was a rather nice way to spend lunch eatings. click to see that band.

and viearn had:

the exact same. although, she didn't copy me. I copied her.
comments: click viearn's lunch to see the band/courtyard from the opposite side. after lunch, I walked home and took some photos for more wigglies. photos of the marine building and the new woodwards building.


made with 30 frames/ 1 second bursts.



Blogger iTripped said...

Send me an IM when you get a chance.

August 10, 2009 4:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

did that saxophone guy say something like "god damned hippy" at the end there? bit of a grumpy look he gave.

August 11, 2009 8:06 AM  

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