professional photographer... professional!

laksa chickeny goodness
from: Cafe D'Lite
price: $7.50+tax
rating: &&&&.8/&&&&&
listening to: kool keith... the personal album
comments: mmmm... the laksa chicken noodle soup is fantastical! the only reason I didn't give it perfect marks is because we took a bit too long getting it, and it wasn't as hot as it could be. dang yummy, though. and in the linked pic, you can see my niece. that's right, she's a bit of a celebrity with her being the "STar Patient 2005". oooh yeah!
and Ali had:

Lamb Spinach with Squash and Lentils
from: Curry Point
price: "$5.50 if you bring your own container, and you somehow all ready have a drink. Otherwise shell out 6.00. Save some money, save the environment, use your benefits. You earned them!" - ali.
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: here's Ali's $.02:
"The long reign of the champion is over. The long touted king of Curry Point, Butter Chicken, has been pwned by the incumbent. If you always buy butter chicken out of habit, you are only settling for second best. Overall, it just tastes better, but also, it is better for you. Spinach sauce instead of butter sauce? Who knew? And who doesn't prefer the taste of baby sheep to factory chicken? I do!"
(the linked pic has nothing to do with Ali. it just Minion and Hemi chillin' in the bathroom. Minion was visiting for a week. she's gone back home to edmonton now)
I'd like to take this moment to share the photos of the year I have seen. It seems that a lot of places got their "best photos of '05" up for your viewing pleasure. Like rueters, time, or world press photo contest, I especially liked this series. and of course, there's national geographic's best wildlife or mountains. and I save my favourite series for the last one, they were the msnbc pics. The readers' ones I liked best. enjoy.
you know what, ween?? that's a great idea! although, who would decide what the best lunches were last year? me? or the viewers? and is it the actual lunch that's voted on, or is it the blog entry itself? I would lean towards the entry, rather than the actual lunch.
if anyone has any favourites, let me know. I think 1 vote would probably be enough to win. unless lots of people start voting.
ok, vote away!
oh yeah... forgot to mention that this blog will be 1 year old at the beginning of february. so, voting will continue until then. the best lunchesatthevillage will be posted then. if you want to vote, but don't feel like commenting here, you can send me a mail at gwilli(at)gmail(dot)com
vote now!
June 23, 2k5, yo.
Your blog, NO rules!!
Pick any 5 lunches as your faves from '05 and allow NO DISCUSSION.
Or you could just grab the ones with the most comments.
oh yes. you understand truly the spirit of my blog.
I was just kinda hoping other people would go through it to find the good ones, then I wouldn't have to do any work.
c'mon dave, you must have a favourite? let me guess... the chrysler debate. that one, right?
classic moments during lunch discussions to be sure. heh.
I vote for the confusion surrounding the guest cup of coffee.
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