no one wants to hear what you dreamed about unless you dreamed about them.

3 items - something, something else and some other thing.
from: Yi Kou Xiang Delicious Foods
price: $4.82
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to while eating: Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on.
comments: bad choices with the 3 items today. the chicken was very good. it made up for the rest. the celery-type stuff with fishballs in it was really not a great choice. I don't know why I did it. I just did. it looked fresh. and the 3rd item was tripe, I think. it wasn't that bad, but I'm not the biggest tripe fan. I asked her what it was and she said "beef something r other" I didn't quite hear. so I just ordered it. it's not bad, for tripey type stuff. a lot of chewing was involved. and some sad news today, Inspector Gadget has died. Click the pic for deets.
and Craig had:

Italian Deli Sandwich
from: MacDonald's
price: $5.34
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: Craig said, "While the meat was pleasantly savory, the excess of Italianess dripping off the 'Assorted Italian' was a little off-putting." I don't think anyone should order these sandwiches from McDees. it's just bad. or make sure you stop them from pouring all that sauce on. and the link under the pic was a very interesting article that craig showed me. I should try to get one of these things in my Charger!
spam comments. I'm not going to delete it. let's just look at it and think, "ha. someone's getting paid to make that comment appear there." it may be a person, a robot, or a script but if I deleted it, then their job is pointless. which it already is. oh well.
your blog you rule! mwhahhahahah so you got a bit of exercise of your jaws? I am very impressed with "pleasantly savoury" comments on MacD food. ween
inspector gadget linked page doesn't have much on it. booooo!
I fixed the link. sorry about that.
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