a green plastic waaaaatering can.

pork chop and noodles in soup
from: HK Chinese
price: FREE!!! (customer appreciate reward)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: radiohead
comments: most people would not like the idea of a breaded porkchop gettin all soggy swimming in soup. but I do. and it's delicious. I really like it. I wonder if they have a dish with un-soggy porkchops? because the porkchop was very tasty. all garlicy and stuff. yummy. and if you click the pic, you will see the mystery boots. who's boots are they and what are they doing here? you tell me!
and erin had:

salted fish delish.
from: HK Chinese food
price: $7.44 ( I think )
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: erin enjoyed her saltyfishfriedrice... "except the chicken was white and bland and dry. i ate two pieces and skipped the rest of the chicken. i got 3 meals out of yesterday's lunch though!" I was upset because she didn't share it with me. I'll see you in court.
but if i had shared, i would've ended up with less than 3 meals AND i don't like soggy breaded pork chops.
why are you photographing rada so much?
sorry, Dr. I had a bit of taste. Yummmm. ween who lost halfADuck name tag
I don't argue with you about PORK. I know the owner of those mysterious boots... hehehe ween
almost everyday, rada asks me to make another picture of her. she says it's for her friends online. I'm not sure what she's really up to. maybe we should search the internet for the filename in a few months time...
You have one twisted site... but every freakin time I visit, I look up at the clock and already half an hour has gone by! Bastard!
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