it takes 3 legs to make a tripod or make a table stand.

spinach/lamb and yoghurt curry
from: curry point
price: $5.87
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to right now: my top rated in iTunes (currently "3 is the magic number")
comments: man, this is taking forever to post today. the curry was alright, but I didn't enjoy my lunch experience very much. hot food. hot park. bah. not my cup o tea. sandwich at the beach.. I like that. but hot food. hot sun. bah.
and kimmy had:

Lemon Chicken & Spicy Egg Plant with Rice
from: Yi Kou Xiang DElicious Foods
price: $3.77
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: kim said "Ask Greg Chan to order the food for you, you'll get more." she also was surprised by the spiciness of the eggplants. and then she had to go to some schooly building and drop off some schooly forms. true story.
I just noticed why that colour of curry look so familiar. The banana colour, the IMPACT T-shirt colour. Yikes.
that crosseyed stuff really hurt me. now I'm frustrated, I wanted to see that car leap out but I just gave myself a headache. Stupid computer.
ever thought of using audioscrobbler so the rest of us can see what your top rated itunes song is?
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