somebody say ih-ih-ih-ih-ih, somebody cry hello hello hello

19a - some sweet chicken, noodles and rice
from: Hong Kong Chinese
price: $4.82
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: Paul Simon - Graceland
comments: lunch in the park. even though bucket couldn't make it. I gotta remember to order cold food when I'm going to eat under the hot sun. the food was good. very tasty chicken. the noodles and rice were ok, too, but nothing out of the ordinary. what is out of the ordinary is this exceptional photo. I've impressed myself with this one.

3 items - tofu, chicken, and asparagus
from: Yi Kou Xiang Foods
price: $4.82
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
comments: Meg says, "normally there is more rice, over all ok." and that's all she says. greg thinks we should add something about asparagus and interesting smell it makes later. but I think we should add something about bumping into rada at the park, and how she showed us how to pick grass with toes. or maybe I'll comment on how r. has already commented on today's entry and I haven't finished updating yet. he already knows what I'm listening to. he's psychic like that.
no comments please, I'm updating"
what the hell sort of entry is that?
p.s. that's a damn fine looking lunch in the park.
listening to while eating:
"homeless foo" by paul simon by greg.
listening to while drinking coffee: "Orinoco Flow" by Enya by Greg.
reading while trying to sing my favourite songs:
all your comments
(are belong to us?)
Best LATV entry to date.
thanks Mr. Dum!!
I wonder if the pictures will keep getting better. I kind of doubt it. but a very special thanks for the abbreviation. I've never been abbreviated before, and I must say. it feels good.
"Orinoco Flow" by Enya by Greg --- which Greg is this? gchan? I know I heard his falsetto, but I haven't heard gwilli sing it yet.
Yeah, best picture ever!!! Yey, Rada's foot! (A great skill to show off.)
listening to while commenting: "feels so nice" by Dirty Friday... if you are monkey, do you do that?
whoo! what a day! summertime d oh double gee willi. nice pic, like everyone else said. Tomorrow lunch at darby d dawes 1pm if anyone's interested. the darby's burger is probably one of the best in vancouver. And I DO NOT take my bacon cheese burgers lightly. Trust me on this one.
-the bucket has spoken.
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